8.30am – 12.45pm (morning session only)
Please note, from Term 1 2019 we will be open for an extended day on Wednesday also.
Children enrol for full session hours per term with fees paid per term. The fees for a term vary according to the number of weeks in the term and various statutory holidays, but we work in parallel to the primary school term timetable. Enrolled children may attend on a casual basis if there is a vacancy.
We are currently licensed for up to 30 children aged 2-5 years old. We offer 30 spaces for children aged 2-5 years old for the morning sessions (8:30am to 12:45pm), and then offer up to 18 spaces for children aged 3-5 years old to stay on for the afternoon sessions (12:45pm to 2:30pm). This allows us to create an afternoon extension programme specifically for slightly older, more independent children as preparation for school. It is the family’s choice as to whether they would like to enrol their older child for only morning sessions, or for extended day sessions, depending upon availability.
Caregivers and younger siblings are warmly welcome at all times.
The centre is registered with WINZ for childcare subsidies, and we offer the 20 free ECE hours for children aged 3 and over.