Safe, nurturing and exploration-rich learning environment
Community Based PreschoolWe offer your child a nurturing, stimulating environment that is both educational and fun, one that encourages children’s individual development. We are committed to providing quality care and education for preschool children aged 2 to 6 years.

Our Environment
The children up at Huntsbury Preschool are so incredibly lucky to have the most beautiful magical setting to play, learn and grow in!
Monday to Friday 8:30am – 12:45pm (morning session) or 8:30am – 3:30pm (extended day, with the afternoon session available for children from 2.5 years old)
We are currently licensed for up to 30 children aged 2-6 years old. We offer 30 spaces for children aged 2-6 years old for the morning sessions (8:30am to 12:45pm), and then offer up to 20 spaces for children aged 2.5-6 years old to stay on for the afternoon sessions (12:45pm to 3:30pm). If you prefer other hours, just ask.
Location: Huntsbury Community Centre, 30H Huntsbury Avenue
Telephone: 03 332 6001 – during session times
Our Philosophy
Our Community-Based Preschool offers your tamaiti/child a safe, happy, nurturing, inclusive and exploration-rich learning environment that engages and challenges nga tamariki/children’s individual interests, strengths and dispositions. Strong collaborative relationships between whānau/family, kaiako/teacher and tamariki/children are at the heart of our practice.
Whānau are respected as the first and most important teachers of their tamariki/children. Teachers/nga kaiako value prior knowledge, embrace all cultures, actively make connections between home and Preschool, which support open and reciprocal relationships.
Huntsbury Preschool Vision
A community approach to growing lifelong learners.
High teacher to child ratio
Huntsbury Community Preschool aims to provide an adult-to-child ratio that is above the minimum requirements. Our fundraising and funding allows us to have three – four registered teachers within our preschool.
Huntsbury Preschool News
Our Blog
Wheelathon and Huntsbury Preschool AGM
Our super popular Wheelathon is going to be held on Friday 19th March from 4.30pm at Hollis Reserve. This is one of our best fundraisers and the tamariki always have so much fun. Fundraising sheets will be handed out at preschool closer to the time.
Our annual general meeting (AGM) is also booked for Wednesday 31st March at 7pm. It will be held at the St Martins Community Centre and any member of our preschool community is more than welcome to attend.
Please speak to Jane or Claire Brocket (Board Chairperson) if you have any questions regarding the preschool board or AGM.
Preschool Disco
We invite our preschool tamariki and their whanau to our preschool disco this weekend. Please see the flyer at preschool for more information.
School Holidays
We will be closed from the 28th of September until the 12th of October for the School Holiday break. We look forward to seeing everyone back for Term 4 on Monday the 12th of October!
Our Events
Wheelathon and Huntsbury Preschool AGM
Our super popular Wheelathon is going to be held on Friday 19th March from 4.30pm at Hollis Reserve. This is one of our best fundraisers and the tamariki always have so much fun. Fundraising sheets will be handed out at preschool closer to the time. Our annual general...
Quiz Night success!!
Thank you to everyone who supported our Quiz Night on the weekend! The evening was a great success, and of course it's great to get our community together for a bit of fun (without the kids)! Congratulations to the winning team and to all the auction and raffle...
Wheelathon fun!
Thank you to everyone who came along and made our annual Wheelathon fundraiser such a success!! The weather was amazing, the company excellent and the riders surpassed themselves!